CrossFit 101 – Mon, Apr 29

Birdneck – CrossFit 101

101 Day 1 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


1: WALL WALK (walk only as high as comfortable then walk back out do not fall out of the top!) ZED PRESS (can be used with DB/KB/BARBELL use full range. BOX HSPU with knees on a box. These are not push ups, you must have your butt high in the air and as you push upward you should be pushing your head towards the box so you finish with your arms locked out as verticle as possible to mimick the HSPU position VERTICLE / NOT HORIZONTAL!

2: THE CROSSFIT BURPEE. There are many types but learn the CrossFit style. Chest on ground/push into upward facing dog position then throw your butt into the air as your feet come as close to you hands as possible (NOT A PUSH UP THEN POP UP). Then finish the movement with s slight jump off the ground with hands clapping over your head to finish the movement. Coach will explain all the types (Burpee box jump overs/BARFEES/later bar jumping…)

3: THE BOX JUMP . Perform on whatever height you’re comfortable with. NO STEP UPS unless your injured and can not even jump onto a 10 lbs plate! Try to remember to step down to be safe but always jump up with two feet leaving the ground and landing on the box together! Box jumps end with a full extension of the body on top of the box. Coach will discuss the differences with the regular box jump and the box jump over!

4: THE REVERSE LUNGE . These are performed stationary by standing erect, taking a large step backwards where the back leg lightly kisses the ground, the front shin should be verticle, then stand by using the front leg to pull your body forward to full erect then step back with other leg. Coach will discuss doing this: Goblet, back rack, front rack…

10 Minute AMRAP of

1 wall walk or 5 zed press

3 burpees

5 25ft shuttle runs touching BOTH FEE AND ONE HAND TOUCH across the line. (or run 200m)

7 box jumps (on a very comfortable height – NO MISSES!

9 reverse lunges (RX+ goblet 35/26)

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