Birdneck – Daily WOD

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Metcon (Time)

For time:

21 burpee box jump overs

21/15 cal row

21 Fifty foot, double DB shuttle runs

15 barfees

15/12 cal row

15 Double DB box step overs

9 burpees

9/7 cal row

9 devil press

** DB’s at 35/25 (rx+=50/35) (pro=70/50)
STIMULUS: CONSTANT MOVEMENT!!! All these movement have small speed changes but the focus is to not push to the point you need to come to ALL STOP! Go just fast enough to be able to continue moving. The grip will come into play during this workout.

Burpees : 21 to start is not bad but with the box jump overs… good luck

DB work : 21 (50 ft shuttles) are a lot, but you only have theses one time!!! A Few fast breaks to give the grip a rest may not be a bad idea. Go faster with quick turns to get them done quicker.

Box step overs: Stay low, going side to side will eliminate a butt ton of movement time energy!

Row: Keep track of heart rate here. You want to be able to get right of the rower and immediately start on the DB work.

Devil Press’ : this is it!! Shut up and gooooooo.

Metcon (No Measure)



** 100 METER SLED PUSH. Use the sled with the uprights so you can push the sled. Load with a light to moderate weight and slowly grind (walk) the sled the 100 meters. You could run or jog but don’t; just a nice steady state put your head down and just grind it out. After each 100-meter walk perform…

*** 5 sandbag clean and jerks 100/70# with a 20-foot walk holding the sandbag overhead (the jerk position). These will be difficult to get overhead on the first couple; then they will get more manageable as you learn. At the end of the walk, just drop the sandbag and rest for a few seconds till your ready to clean and jerk it again.

*** Today, you could go faster but make it deliberately slower, keeping your heart rate below 85%!!
