Saturday challenge WOD

Birdneck – Daily WOD

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Metcon (Weight)

9:00-9:20 work to a heavy complex of:

1 power snatch (to back) +

1 snatch balance +

1 hanging squat snatch

(take bar from rack if you cant safely bring it to you back from the power snatch)

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Teams of 3 – one person always on a 200 run and the other two completing rounds of:

1 = 20 rounds of cindy = 5 pull ups-10 push ups-15 air squats.

2 = 20 rounds of = 3 clean and jerks + 1 rope climb 115/85 (135/100) (155/115)

3 = 20 rounds of = 3 wall walks (4) + 20 D.U (30)

4 devil press 35/25 (rx+=50/35)