Endurance – Sun, Jun 30

Birdneck – Endurance

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Metcon (No Measure)

1 mile run not for a PR but just under that pace (RUN)

* directly into 100 crossover single unders. Break these up as needed so that your heart stays below 85% (2:00 of practice then onto the bike)

* direclty onto the bike to hold a conversation pace or slower until the 25:00 mark (70% or lower)

* At 25:00 mark get on a rower to hold for the same pace, conversation or lower (70% or below)

* At the 30:00 mark put the damper on 10 and row for two minutes – 8 for two minutes – 6 for two – 4 for two and 2 for two minutes. This segment should be conversation or slightly higher.

* At the 40:00 mark, finish with another mile.