Birdneck – Daily WOD

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Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

30:00 AMRAP

3 wall walks (rx+=5) (pro=7)

10 box jumps (pro=30/24 inch)

7 sand bag shuttles 100/70 (pro=150/100)

15/12 cal row (rx+=20/17)

15 V-ups (rx+=20)

7 sand bag shuttles

** shuttles are bear hug style = 1 rep for every 25 ft completed

PACE yourself so you can keep moving. Knowing this is 30:00 long, try to keep each round within :30 seconds of each other / each set of movements within 10 seconds of each other.

START with a nice pace, even round 2 should feel good if you paced properly. Round 3 should be just a little more challenging but still manageable.

Transitions should be deliberate, not fast and definitely not slow.

Metcon (No Measure)

Accessory work: 4 rounds of: – 3 sand bag cleans over the shoulder 100/70 – bear hug carry the sand bag 100 feet – 3 sand bag cleans – 50 foot hand stand walk 25 ft down 25 ft back to the sand bag then repeat for 4 total rounds.
