CrossFit 101 – Mon, Jun 24

Birdneck – CrossFit 101

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101 DAY 2 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


DOUBLE UNDERS . Start with singles with no small jump in-between. Speed the rope up to get one jump per spin of the rope. Next try to get a couple singles then JUMP as high as possible and SPIN the rope as fast as possible to try and get just one double under. Once you master that then try to do single, single, double, single single, double….. unbroken! Coach may have you practice the speed of the rope by using two ropes (one per hand) to just spin them as fast as possible without jumping. Coach may also have you do verticle bar jumps to simulate the speed and height of the jump needed for the double under!

THE HANGING POWER CLEAN . These are very technical and will require months of practice just to get decent at these. Today you will only learn the HOOK GRIP, the basic of the hang position (verticle shins, bar just above the knees, shoulders set back not rounded!), the finish position or the catch where you extend or jump from the hang position and catch the bar on the shoulder with the elbow pointing forward (THIS POSITION IS CALLED THE FRONT RACK POSITION)! (WRIST WRAPS will help with pain from catching the bar in such a stretched position of the wrists!)

THE PUSH PRESS . Starting in the FRONT RACK position, (elbows up, and bar resting on the shoulders) keeping the elbows forward. DIP 4-6 inches downward staying as upright as posible trying to keep your weight into your heels, then drive upward explosively like jumping. This will drive the bar upward off the shoulder to an extended arm position. Remember to pull your head back out of the way as you use the jump and your arms to drive the bar upward finishing with your arms locked out DIRECTLY overhead fully extended!

9 minute AMRAP

50 JUMP ROPE or :30 seconds of practicing your… single single double single single double…

10 HANGING POWER CLEANS 45/35 (RX+ 75/55)


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